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Williams Street Crosswalk Safety Improvements


This project will install a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) crosswalk at the intersection of Williams Street and First Avenue to increase driver compliance with pedestrians, reduce near misses, and increase the number of active transportation users.

Project Overview

First Avenue is one of Chilliwack’s busiest two-lane arterial truck routes with over 15,000 vehicles per day in 2023. As the City continues to experience rapid growth, pedestrian, cycle, and vehicle traffic will only increase at this intersection. The neighbourhood around First and Williams has one of the City’s highest proportions of seniors and active transportation users. Williams Street is a key walking route for many of the students who attend Chilliwack Secondary and Chilliwack Middle School. Being a main north-south active transportation connector, Williams Street will become a future priority cycle route as identified in the City’s Cycle Vision Plan update.

A challenge the City continues to face is controlling speed along its arterial routes. In a recent speed study completed east of Williams Street and First Avenue intersection in June 2023, drivers averaged speeds of 56km/h eastbound and 59km/h westbound in a 50km/h speed zone. Because First Avenue is classified as both a minor arterial route and a truck route, there are limited engineering options to control drivers’ speeds. As per the US Federal Highway Administration, RRFBs can reduce pedestrian collisions by up to 47% and can increase motorist yield rates up to 98%.

The RRFB at Williams Street and First Avenue will be evaluated through a traffic count, which will build on data previously collected at this intersection. Then staff will complete a count to assess the RRFB’s impact on pedestrian and cyclist volumes and review ICBC collision data to determine if there has been a reduction in collisions in the area. Finally, the City will use its Miovision traffic camera to monitor vehicle speeds, vehicle volumes, and pedestrian and vehicle interactions over a 24-hour period following installation of the crosswalk.

Overall, the City hopes the RRFB will increase driver compliance with pedestrians, reduce near misses, and increase the number of active transportation users on Williams Street.


Funded To

City of Chilliwack

Project Stream

Stream 1

Project Year


Project Budget


Health Authority