This project will replace or install new road safety signage to better protect vulnerable road users in the community, and support community-led engagement regarding road safety.
Seabird Island’s goals are to increase safety on the road, Seabird Island community members have reached out to the organization with their concerns and noted that the safety of our children, elders, and land is a priority. We have noticed a high number of families who use bikes, electric scooters, and wheelchairs as a mode of transportation. We want to make sure all members and visitors are aware of the areas throughout the community where vulnerable road users could be.
This project will improve safety for vulnerable road users at Seabird Island by: installing speed reduction signs and multiple raised crosswalks in our school zones, bus stops, and new subdivisions; replacing ‘children at play’ signs; and fixing sidewalks that were damaged over the years. Additionally, Seabird will promote a community safety campaign highlighting this project’s work, creating a feedback loop to assess the project's impacts and benefits, and determining the next steps for future improvements. The Seabird School can promote the work with families assuring them that effort is being made to keep children safe when walking or biking to school.
By creating safer communities for its citizens to walk, cycle, and scoot through, the community aims to become more accessible, interconnected, and enable members to access services easily, thus improving community well-being.