The District of 100 Mile House has applied funding dollars to multiple improvements on Cariboo Trail over the last few years. This mixed residential housing street includes senior housing complexes, apartments and family homes. There have been sidewalks constructed, pavement markings for crosswalks at intersections, and lighting installed on this street, as well as traffic calming bulbs constructed, all to slow the traffic speeds. These efforts have helped significantly, but have not completely solved the unsafe speeding of vehicles on this street. The Residential Road Safety Project - Phase 2 will allow us to install two speed bumps to assist in enforcing the posted speed limits. We believe this will allow equity of all users and provide safe pedestrian and vehicle travel in this area of town.
This project builds on our 2022 Vision Zero project that reduced speed in another neighborhood in the north part of the community, en route to the sports field. The success of this 2022 road safety project was felt immediately, and we noticed residents in other neighborhoods requesting speed bumps to slow down the speed of the traffic in their area.
Cariboo Trail is a mixed residential area that has had multiple improvements to allow vulnerable users equitable use and safety when accessing their neighborhood to exercise, cycle, drive and cross the street. However, speed is still a challenge and the District office regularly receives complaints.
When the installation of the speed bumps were placed last year with the assistance of the 2022 Vision Zero Grant, residents of Cariboo Trail called the District office to request speed bumps for their neighborhood as well. Speed bumps on Cariboo Trail will reduce vehicle speeds so users can engage in physical activity without worrying about crossing the street and having vehicles speeding by while out enjoying their neighborhood.
The potential impact will be to create a calmer, quieter neighborhood where residents can cross the street to reach the sidewalk, enjoy physical activity, access downtown as a pedestrian, learn how to ride their bike, and otherwise enjoy their front yards.