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Pedestrian Crosswalk Enhancements


The project involves replacing an old pedestrian-activated crossing (a single blinking amber light) with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon (RRFB). This location is at the bottom of a hill with no intersections and no streetlights, where the pedestrian light is essential to alert motorists to the presence of pedestrians.

Project Overview

This project is needed because the originally installed pedestrian crossing light is insufficient. Also, it is difficult to find replacement parts for the older style of lights, so if the existing crossing light was to fail, there would be no way to replace the parts. The efficacy of rapid rectangular flashing beacons has been clearly seen around the province - they are much more noticeable to drivers during any light conditions, day or night. The potential impact of this project is that pedestrians will feel much safer crossing the road in this location.

Photo source: Aaron Hines, Flickr (2017). Photo is shown for illustration purposes only and may not be an accurate representation of the project.

Funded To

District of Oak Bay

Project Stream

Stream 1

Project Year


Project Budget


Health Authority