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Pedestrian Corridor Safety Project


The Village purchased two solar power radar signs for Cariboo Ave in Clinton BC. Cariboo Ave is a municipal road accessed off Highway 97, where the speed limit of 70km is significantly higher than the 30km that the school /playground permits. The avenue is a busy pedestrian corridor connecting David Stoddart K-12 school, Reg Conn Park and Playground, Clinton Dog Park, and the assisted living seniors home Clinton Estates with Clinton's residential and downtown sections. The sign will raise the drivers' awareness and reduce the chances of vehicle accidents.

Project Overview

The access for Cariboo Ave is off of a highway, where the speed limit is significantly higher at 70km, speed radar signs have been sighted as drawing the driver's attention to their speed and creating the urgency to slow to the posted limit. Drivers are also more likely to gain an awareness of pedestrians, cyclists, and other foot traffic they are sharing the road with. As Cariboo Ave is very heavily used due to the amenities and facilities nearby this awareness will reduce the potential for vehicle-pedestrian collisions. Speed reader boards have the highest success rate in areas where there is a transition to low speeds, this is the situation on Cariboo Ave. Both the school and the park have 30km speed zones. The Village of Clinton has commissioned several plans in the community, recently completing a Parks and Recreation Plan. Public input on these plans has always reflected the concern residents have with the speed and traffic on Cariboo Hwy. A traffic radar sign will be a strong part of a pedestrian safety plan for that area of our community.

New RRFB Installed

Funded To

Village of Clinton

Project Stream

Stream 1

Project Year


Project Budget


Health Authority