This project has a twofold mission: to augment pedestrian visibility and educate Mackenzie residents about designated school bus drop-off locations, while concurrently reinforcing pedestrian safety measures at park entrances and around the recreation center
To enhance pedestrian visibility, the project will implement measures like improved crosswalks, heightened signage, and traffic interventions. These modifications aim to create safer pathways for pedestrians, particularly students relying on school transportation. Simultaneously, the educational aspect will involve community outreach programs and informative materials, ensuring residents are well-informed about the specific locations associated with school bus activities and reinforcing safety measures around parks and the recreation center. By addressing both school-related and recreational pedestrian safety concerns, the project strives to foster an overall culture of safety, awareness, and community well-being in Mackenzie.
Photo source: Unsplash. Photo is shown for illustration purposes only and may not be an accurate representation of the project.