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Improving Pedestrian Visibility Through RRFB Signalized Crossings


The BC Vision Zero grant funding supports work to improve safety and walkability through the installation of new pedestrian-activated RRFB crosswalks at seven different locations in Coquitlam.

Project Overview

The BC Vision Zero grant supports efforts to improve safety and walkability through the installation of new pedestrian-activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) crosswalks at seven different locations in Coquitlam. These locations were identified based on industry best practices relating to the treatment of marked pedestrian crossings and ranked based on the City of Coquitlam's priority criteria (proximity to schools, parks, transit, volume, and collision history).

These RRFB crosswalks will improve crossing safety at these locations by providing an advanced warning to motorists and increasing pedestrian visibility. Increasing pedestrian visibility will contribute to preventing pedestrian casualties. North American research has found that RRFB signalized crosswalks increase the percentage of drivers yielding to pedestrians from 10-50% to 80-90%. Implementing measures such as RRFB's which are proven to increase visibility and improve driver yielding behavior, promote pedestrian comfort and increase pedestrian confidence in being able to walk to their destinations safely. This project also has the potential to prevent pedestrian and motor vehicle collisions by improving pedestrian visibility.

The pedestrian experience for City of Coquitlam residents and visitors will improve with the installation of the RRFB crosswalks. As a result, the city expects that more people may choose to travel to school, parks, and commercial destinations on foot due to increased safety and comfort. Fewer vehicle trips to these destinations will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve public health outcomes, increase social connections, reduce infrastructure demands, and create more livable and vibrant communities.

Photo source: Rawpixel. Photo is shown for illustration purposes only and may not be an accurate representation of the project.

Funded To

City of Coquitlam

Project Stream

Stream 1

Project Year


Project Budget


Health Authority