This project involved installing Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at three crosswalks located mid block near schools, seniors care centre and medical clinic for the purpose of providing additional driver notification and pedestrian safety at crosswalks. The goal is to provide increased safety for vulnerable users.
The District of Summerland installed a set of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) at a crosswalk on Victoria Rd South in 2022. This crosswalk is heavily utilized by students attending an Elementary School and the District received positive feedback from parents walking their children to school.
Drawing from the success we had with the initial set, the District would like to add three additional RRFBs at crosswalks near the Summerland Secondary School, a seniors care facility, medical clinic and an elementary School. The proposed location near Summerland Secondary was identified as a crossing to upgrade in a 2018 Summerland Signage and Markings Field Review completed by Watt Engineering and ICBC. It specifically identified this crosswalk as having issues with sign location. The Trout Creek Elementary crosswalk is located mid block, near the entrance to staff parking and linking a newly constructed path through a recent development and sidewalk. The crosswalk is also located near the drop off location for the school buses. Rosedale Avenue is classified as a collector road and Nixon Road is classified as a local road in our Transportation Master Plan.