This two-part project will improve road safety in Daajing Giids by 1) replacing the faded Causeway crosswalk paint with a thermoplastic crosswalk and two posted signs; and 2) installing speed-limit signs and acquiring mobile radar speed signs to establish a new 20 km/h speed limit on all six of the neighbourhood laneways in Daajing Giids.
Together, these upgrades will greatly improve the safety of the village's six neighbourhood laneways and one of its busiest pedestrian crossings. The changes will particularly benefit the most vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists.
First, the crosswalk at the north end of Causeway at Wharf Way is badly faded and needs replacing. Rather than simply repainting the faded crosswalk bars, the village will upgrade the crosswalk surfacing with a more durable thermoplastic material. The village will also install permanent, posted crosswalk signs at either end of the crosswalk.
The Causeway/Wharf Way intersection is in the heart of Daajing Giids' commercial core, just steps away from several shops, a credit union, a police detachment, an ambulance station, restaurants, a liquor store, cannabis outlet, tattoo parlour, tourist information centre, marina, and Spirit Square. The Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre is one block north, and a short walk from the crosswalk along pedestrian walkways. The crosswalk is among the busiest pedestrian crossings in Daajing Giids, and used by people of all ages and abilities.
This part of the project will upgrade a faded crosswalk in the commercial core and is in progress.
Second, beginning in the summer of 2022, residents of Daajing Giids raised concerns about pedestrian safety on village laneways. The village has six laneways, four of which are dead ends and two of which are through lanes. The speed limit on these narrow laneways was the default 50 km/h for municipal roads, and residents were particularly concerned about the safety of neighbourhood children and shoppers at the Daajing Giids Thrift Store, which fronts one of the laneways. In several places, residents have said, the narrow laneways have poor visibility due to adjoining fences, parked vehicles, and blind corners.
The village council chose to reduce the speed limit of the laneways to 20 km/h given that Section 146(8) of the Motor Vehicle Act provides a municipality the authority to set a 20 km/h limit on all its roadways with a width less than 8 metres. All six of the village laneways have a width of 6.1 metres. Although posted limits are not required for this village-wide change, the council decided to install 20 km/h limit signs on the laneways and to acquire a mobile radar speed sign that alerts drivers of their speed and the limit to help everyone adjust to the new, lower speed limit on laneways.
This part of the project saw the deployment of 20km/h signs in laneways to manage traffic. A mobile speed reader sign was also placed on side roads, in school zones, on highways and shared with neighbouring communities with great success of reducing vehicle speeds.